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Guide Your People out of Crisis

May 07, 2020 3:21 PM | Greene (Administrator)

"How did you feel when the whole COVID-19 business forced you to scale back or close your business? When you were forced to work from home? When you had to cancel business and personal plans indefinitely? Were you frustrated? Maybe you thought, "Maybe this won't last long," or "Maybe it will end in weeks."

The first action we want to do is bring back normal. But "normal" is gone... forever. Sure, I'm frustrated that I can't take charge and return to normal. Right. Now!

When the pandemic struck, we panicked and became frantic and fragile. Successful leaders rise above those tendencies. They know if they don't teach their people to treat other people right, they will lose not only their customers but their organizations/businesses. There's never been a more critical period in our lifetime where humanity has been called to help others. Leadership is needed more now than ever.

Here's what I know: The first roadblock we face in any crisis is dealing with what we cannot control. We have a human tendency to focus on those decisions first. The first thing I discovered was that the only thing I could really change was ME...

I can't tell you WHEN this crisis will end.

But we have more control over HOW we come out than we think.

1. My Perspective

How we VIEW things is how we DO things. "

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The Missouri Grocers Association315 N Ken Ave, Springfield, MO 65802 | Phone: 417-831-6667 | Fax: 417-831-3907

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