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The Missouri Grocers Association

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grocer UPDATES

  • May 07, 2020 3:20 PM | Anonymous

    Dairy Farmers of America completed a $433 million acquisition of Dean Foods properties after reaching an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice.

    The Kansas City, Kan.-based dairy cooperative closed on a deal to buy 44 properties that handle fluid and frozen dairy products from Dallas-based Dean Foods. DFA won a bankruptcy auction in late March.

    You can view the whole story HERE.

  • May 07, 2020 3:19 PM | Anonymous

    The US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) issued an extension of enforcement discretion to accommodate the increase in products labeled for food-service or institutional use being re-routed to retail sales. The agency will exercise enforcement discretion until July 26, 2020. This applies to products that are labeled at a federal establishment without a nutrition facts information, repackaged and labeled at a retail location without nutrition facts information, products sold at retail with restrictive labeling indications (e.g., "for school food-service use only"), and retail locations applying labeling to products in unlabeled protective coverings.

    Please click here to view the FSIS Constituent Update for more information.

  • May 07, 2020 3:16 PM | Anonymous

    Dairy at retail continues to be positive for 2020 year-to-date. The large surge experienced during the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic pushed all dairy retail volume up, turning products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream to positive growth in 2020, reversing a previous loss trend occurring earlier in the year. The dairy aisle continues to experience higher growth than total store sales. Total store dollar sales are up +5.3% compared to a year ago and dairy aisle dollar sales are up +14.6% compared to a year ago.

    After experiencing significant increases, in the most recent week butter had a notable decline in volume sales dropping +59.6% to +0.9%. Even with this slowdown, butter year-to-date volume sales are up +26.1%.

    Fluid milk sales are up +7.4% (volume sales) and +12.9% (dollar sales). In the previous week, sales were up +15.6% (volume) and +20.6% (dollar).

    Butter sales are up +0.9% (volume) and 1+5.0% (dollar). In the previous week, butter sales were up +59.6% (volume) and +64.0% (dollar).

    Ice cream sales are up +12.3% (volume) and +26.0% (dollar). In the previous week, they were up +27.5% (volume) and +33.2% (dollar).

    As a reference point, fresh bread sales are up +12.8% (volume) and +16.2% (dollar) vs. the previous period growth of at +20.3% (volume) and +24.4% (dollar).

    To view the complete list of the Dairy Aisle Data CLICK HERE

  • May 04, 2020 3:41 PM | Anonymous

    Independent grocers are proud to be designated as essential critical infrastructure by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and we take our responsibility seriously to feed the American public during this challenging time.

    Unfortunately, there are efforts by some opportunistic trial attorneys to take advantage of the current crisis to file unfounded lawsuits against grocers alleging their clients contracted the virus on the premises of a grocery store or distribution center.

    The independent supermarket industry has led from the very beginning of the coronavirus crisis to protect the health of both customers and employees.

    Grocers are working around the clock to ensure a safe environment for everyone through vigorous sanitization procedures, enforcing social distancing, and providing PPE for employees.

    Please urge your Senators and Representatives to include liability protection for essential infrastructure businesses in the next (phase 4) COVID-19 federal response bill.

    Only Congress can help prevent a flood of litigation and demand letters against grocers who are simply doing their part and staying open to serve the American public during the crisis. Independent grocers cannot afford a wave of frivolous litigation at a time when our communities need us the most. We need your help TODAY to stand up for independent grocers.

    Please fill out this form to urge Congress to support liability protection for our industry!

    Click here to urge Congress to include liability protection in the next COVID-19 relief bill!

  • May 04, 2020 9:33 AM | Anonymous

    "The Missouri WIC program and the USDA, have discussed concerns regarding the high number of COVID-19 cases in the original rollout 2 area which is in the St. Louis, MO area of the state. In order to allow this area sufficient time to decrease the number of COVID-19 cases and to decrease the possible exposure of state personnel, contractors, local agency staff, and WIC participants to the virus, we have decided to move the implementation of this area to the end of the rollout schedule. A revised eWIC rollout map is attached. Please note that some rollout areas have been assigned a new rollout number and the dates on the map are the dates the local agencies are able to issue eWIC cards in each rollout area.

    In preparation for the local agencies in rollout 1 area to begin issuing eWIC cards the week of July 6, we must begin completing Level 3 visits in mid-May. Missouri WIC program and CDP, Inc. staff have been in contact with stakeholders about initiating Level 3 visits at the retailer locations that have eWIC functionality installed. Below is the current schedule for Level 3 onsite visits for each rollout area. Please notify your authorized stores of the below schedule so that they are aware of the timeframe for their Level 3 visit.

    I have attached the revised eWIC Rollout Map for the Missouri WIC program for your reference. (HERE)

    May 18 – May 22 - Rollout 1
    May 26 – May 29 - initial visits and revisits if needed
    June 1 – 5 - Rollout 2
    June 8 – 19 - initial visits and revisits if needed
    June 15 – June 19 - Rollout 3
    June 22 – July 3 - initial visits and revisits if needed
    June 22 – June 26 - Rollout 4
    June 29 – July 2 - initial visits and revisits if needed
    July 6 – July 10 - Rollout 5
    July 13 – July 24 – initial visits and revisits if needed
    July 13 through July 29 – statewide revisits if needed

    The required number of cash registers at authorized retailers to be eWIC authorized was provided during eWIC Retailer Training and is also available in WIC Retailer Agreement located in Appendix B of the eWIC Retailer Manual. The guidelines are outlined in paragraphs 10.34 and 10.35 (below). The eWIC Retailer Manual is available on the WIC website at

    10.34 Meet the minimum lane coverage requirements when considered a superstore or supermarket (at least $2 million annually in food sales). At a minimum, terminals shall be installed for monthly WIC redemption threshold increments as follows: one (1) terminal for $0 to $11,000; two (2) terminals for $11,001 to $22,000; three (3) terminals for $22,001 to $33,000; and four (4) terminals for $33,001 and above. The monthly redemption levels used for the installation formula shall be the average redemptions based on a period of up to 12 months of prior redemption. 7 CFR § 246.12(z)(2)(i-ii).

    10.35 Meet the minimum lane coverage requirements when not considered a superstore or supermarket. At a minimum, terminals shall be installed for monthly WIC redemption thresholds as follows: one (1) terminal for $0 to $8,000; two (2) terminals for $8,001 to $16,000; three (3) terminals for $16,001 to $24,000; and four (4) terminals for $24,001 and above. The monthly redemption levels used for the installation formula shall be the average redemptions based on a period of up to 12 months of prior redemption. 7 CFR § 246.12(z)(2)(i-ii).

    Retailers that have not successfully completed the Level 3 certification process will receive a written notice dated July 31, 2020 providing notification that the retailer location must complete a Level 3 certification by August 31, 2020. Level 3 certification visits for those retailers can be scheduled between August 3 and August 27, 2020 to allow time for claim files to be submitted and processed. If a retailer does not successfully complete a Level 3 certification their WIC authorization will be terminated effective August 31, 2020.

    The Missouri WIC program appreciates the service that you provide to our WIC families and to your communities. We apologize for the inconvenience of rescheduling the eWIC rollout schedule; however, it is critical that all stakeholders involved in this project are safe and healthy to successfully proceed with this statewide project. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns by calling 573-751-8322 or by email at"

    Thank you!

    Bridgett A. Henderson
    WIC Retailer Manager
    Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
    Division of Community and Public Health
    Section for Healthy Families and Youth
    Bureau of WIC and Nutrition Services
    P.O. Box 570, 930 Wildwood Drive
    Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0570
    Phone: 573-751-8322
    Fax: 573-526-1470

  • April 30, 2020 2:13 PM | Anonymous

    When visiting stores during the coronavirus pandemic, shoppers feel safer in supermarkets than in other retail venues, according to a survey by digital marketing firm First Insight.

    Of more than 500 U.S. consumers polled on April 20, 54% said they feel "safe" or "very safe" from COVID-19 when shopping in grocery stores, followed by 50% for chain drugstores, Pittsburgh-based First Insight said Friday.

    View the full story HERE.

  • April 30, 2020 2:11 PM | Anonymous

    MGA Members: In this time of uncertainty, families and businesses want to ensure that their financial affairs are in order. As a longstanding partner of the MGA, Federated Mutual Insurance Company is extending a unique opportunity to all association members: a complimentary review of business succession and estate plans by a member of their independent attorney network*. Whether you have a plan that is outdated, or no plan at all, a review via video conference with one of these attorneys can help provide you peace of mind.

    Referrals to this independent attorney network are normally reserved for Federated Insurance clients, but are available to all MGA members during this time of crisis. If you and your family and/or business partners are interested in scheduling one of these video conferences, contact Kyle Bluestein by e-mail or phone 513-884-5154.

    We wish you and your family safety and peace during these troubling times.

    Dan Shaul
    Executive Director
    Missouri Grocers Association

    *Please note that these services are provided by third parties wholly independent of Federated with the understanding that neither Federated nor its employees provide legal or other expert advice

  • April 30, 2020 2:09 PM | Anonymous

    The COVID-19 pandemic has created a multitude of challenges for all of us. Through all of these issues confronting us today, our recommended partner, Federated Insurance, has worked closely with their customers to help them find their way through these unprecedented times. Federated is a "Value-Add" company that provides not only some of the best insurance products designed for our industry, but also the safety and risk management support that our members need for their successful businesses. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, they have provided the latest guidelines to help our members navigate through these times. In addition, they have provided billing options to ease cash flow concerns and adjusted payroll and premium basis,where appropriate.

    Today, Federated announced their COVID-19 Client Relief Credit, providing premium reductions for their customers in our

    industry and others throughout the country.

    * Federated's COVID-19 Client Relief Credit will provide a 15% credit based on Business Auto premium, Auto Dealer/Garage Coverage Part premium, and Business owners Policy (BOP) premium from March 15 to June 15. Policies must be in force at the time relief credit is applied. These actions are subject to regulatory approval.

    Policyholders will automatically see the COVID-19 Client Relief Credit applied in the upcoming months. Federated was founded on the four cornerstones of equity, integrity, teamwork, and respect, and has once again shown that

    they are dedicated to serving the needs of the members of this organization. This is one of the reasons that your association board continues to recommend Federated Insurance. They work hard to do what is right for their customers.

    Association membership doesn't cost, it pays!

    Jeff Fetters Chairman and CEO of Federated Insurance wrote a letter detailing the Client Relief Credit. His letter can be read in full HERE.

  • April 30, 2020 2:07 PM | Anonymous

    With negotiations still ongoing for a second relief package following the passage of the CARES Act at the end of March, various policy priorities remain on the table for what lawmakers are calling "CARES 2". Speaker Pelosi has floated a 'guaranteed income' policy for certain individuals who make below a certain threshold. Meanwhile, Majority Leader McConnell is focused on shielding healthcare and other businesses from liability regarding COVID-19.

  • April 30, 2020 2:05 PM | Anonymous

    As an essential business, grocers have experienced a surge in sales during the coronavirus crisis despite restrictions imposed on other retailers. But while sales of food, cleaning products and paper goods are soaring, floral products are taking a lower priority, even with the looming Mother's Day holiday.

    However, there are opportunities to leverage floral for at-home activities amid nationwide shelter-in-place orders, as flowers offer tangible benefits for consumers beset by anxiety in uncertain times.

    You can view some marketing ideas HERE.

The Missouri Grocers Association315 N Ken Ave, Springfield, MO 65802 | Phone: 417-831-6667 | Fax: 417-831-3907

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